Blondes Have More Fun with Rootflage


So she collaborated with a friend and came up with the name Rootflage combining camouflage and roots. Hiding your roots is Rootflage’s priority and you can apply it “anytime you want to cover your roots.” With three colors, Light Blonde, Cool Blonde, and Warm Blonde your specific color is covered.

Working with the oils on your scalp, Rootflage feels light in the hair and your application typically lasts until your next hair wash. You apply the desired amount of Rootflage to dry hair by pressing the brush against the roots, rubbing back and forth blending the product in, giving you instant results.

Each container lasts 20 applications and is made with natural products including corn starch, rice powder, and kaolin clay. O’Quinn, a mom herself, understands the importance of having something that can be quick and on the go. With Rootflage’s compact size, it is truly a salon on the go. With a great interlocking system you do not have to worry about it spilling everywhere. When asked to describe Rootflage in one word, she defines it as “blonderiffic.” With words like that, blondes do really have more fun with Rootflage.

By: Tatyana Soto for Clarissa International Media

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