Cool Cosmoprof Find: The Lay-n-Go Cosmetic Bag


I am constantly traveling and need to do my makeup on the go with a quick and easy clean-up. The Lay-n-Go is a makeup activity mat, cleanup, storage, and carryall solution. With the Lay-n-Go I am able to display all my makeup in one area and in a quick second can zip up my bag; where with standard cosmetic bags I find myself either spending a ridiculous amount of time searching through my bag or dumping my makeup all over the place until I find what I am looking for, making a large mess.

The creators behind this genius idea are husband and wife Amy and Adam Fazacker. Amy is a mother of three boys and was looking for an easier solution to clean up her children’s toys. The husband and wife team started with the clear goal: to create an easier and smarter cleanup and organizational product for managing life’s little pieces. The Lay-n-Go was created back in 2010 and within 3 short years has expanded into wholesale. And naturally, ideas progressed to fit a new clientele of mothers seeking an easy makeup cleanup. The Lay-n-Go is now the ultimate versatile bag on the market for busy mothers, models, and women. To find out more information or to purchase a bag, visit