Beauty Tips and Secrets of Seductive French Women


French Women’s Look;

The rule of a French woman is to make an effort at all times to lookattractive and appealing to others. She feels a real need to groom herself from her head all the way down to her toes (‘soignée.’) In fact, letting yourself physically go is considered by the French as a sign that you can’t keep things together mentally. It’s no wonder then, that French women are almost obsessed with beauty and are renowned to always look seductive!

French Women’s Restraint;

Again, ‘less is more’ when it comes to the French woman look. It’s also one of their main beauty tips and secrets. Being naturally sexy and appealing is much preferred than having the look of a woman who piles on the makeup and applies too much hair product. French women have a soignée restraint in these particular matters! They believe that makeup was designed to enhance a woman’s face subtly, not cover up or camouflage her face completely.

French Women’s Beauty Philosophy;

Remember too that; prevention is far better than a cure! The French woman (who truly believes in this wise philosophy,) sticks to a rather scrupulous and preventative skin/ body care routine. This means that she has weekly facials, regular lymphatic drainage massage/treatment (great for removing cellulite,) and religiously takes her makeup off each night.

To stay beautiful, a French woman tries to eat a balanced diet that will include lots of fresh fruit and vegetables – as well as organic produce from the market. Hydration is also an important key to a French woman’s beauty, so she makes sure to drink quite a lot of water – at least 6-8 glasses a day.

Always remember doves, that the healthiest feminine glow always comes from within, so to achieve this most fetching inner-glow, treat your body like you would the most prestigious car – put only the very best food and liquids into it (fuel!) The bonus of following this ‘preventative’ philosophy is that you probably won’t ever get acne and you won’t have to wear as much makeup either!

French Women’s Skincare;

French women are also renowned for their meticulous skincare regimes and believe that skin care is more of a necessity than cosmetics. It’s only natural that they purchase far more skin care products than cosmetics and a re quite happy to spend their money on reputable skin-care products for their daily skin-care rituals.

French women religiously exfoliate their skin and are also loyal users of ‘miracle’ anti-aging potions, bust-firming lotions, as well as anti-cellulite creams. There’s a certain philosophy that French women have; skin care lasts a lifetime, while makeup lasts just eight measly hours!

When it comes to tanning, French women aren’t huge fans of fake tanning products or bronzers, but are very careful to apply sunscreen every single day. They generally accept their natural shades of skin too, though a little regular dose of sunshine can give a lovely sun-kissed glow. However, they’re definitely not into that deeply tanned ‘lizard-skin’ look!

More French woman beauty tips and secrets; a French woman uses a daily blast of icy cold water in the shower to really get her circulation going, as well as to help tighten up the pores of her skin! Once she’s finished showering (or bathing,) she liberally applies a rich moisturizer – and sometimes will reapply it throughout the day.

If she works in an air-conditioned office or lives in an apartment with central heating, she may use an air humidifier to combat dehydration of her skin.

French Women’s Makeup;

A French woman’s makeup is always kept minimal and understated. And, she doesn’t carry a whole bunch of it around in her purse either! At the start of the day she’ll apply a quick slick of signature lip-gloss or a light pat of stay-put lipstick for day time (or a heavier coat of red lipstick for night,) with perhaps a tiny application of concealer and an expert flick of water-proof mascara. And, then she’s done – a ‘natural’ beauty!

French Women’s Hair;

When washing her hair, a French woman likes to rinse away the shampoo with a mixture of cold water and apple cider vinegar (or fresh lemon juice.) This actually gives her hair a lustrous shine. Once she’s done that, she applies the hair conditioner.

Also, weekly deep conditioning hair treatments are a must to preserve a French woman’s crowning glory. These usually contain hair protein such as keratin.

A French woman’s hair is kept very low-maintenance – in an uncomplicated style and a natural looking color. Any hair style with anatural-looking texture that showcases her own unique beauty is good. And, when she’s short on time, she’ll arrange her locks into some kind of attractive bun or French twist – or will wrap her hair into a simple, yet elegant chignon.

To the French, ‘blow-dries’ and daily hair straightening are so NOT in! Also, completely bleached blond dos aren’t a French look at all, but are in fact considered to be totally ‘American.’

But the piece-y tousled look and gathering the hair into a relaxed and sexy up-do IS very popular in France; in fact some coquettish French women look like they haven’t properly used a comb in days! And, interestingly, men all over the world happen to find this lived-in and ‘bed-head’ look very sexy 😉

French Women’s Nails;

A French woman has a weekly manicure and pedicure. She knows that classic French nails with a translucent pink or beige base and pure white nail tips will never go out of style – the epitome of well-groomed glamor! French tips also happen to look very clean, polished, elegant and attractive.

French Women’s Hair Removal;

A French woman loves smooth skin, so instead of shaving her under arms or legs, she usually prefers to wax them instead. By the time she’s 35-40 the hair stops coming back 😉 She also regularly visits the ‘épilateur’ for permanent hair removal treatments.

French Women’s Little Pleasures;

The French are a pleasure-loving people, and even though a French woman doesn’t like to use a lot of makeup/cosmetics, she loves to indulge in a luxurious bath (and use lots of bubble bath or bath oil while she’s at it.) She adores lovely-scented soaps, body lotions, gorgeous smelling perfumes etc.