Guide to the best anti-aging foods.

by mandi pimental

The glow of youth is something that women try to hold onto for as long as possible, and who can blame us? Tight, smooth, blemish free skin, boundless energy and balanced hormones are just a few of the traits that seem to slowly slip away each time we blow another birthday candle. Many companies have tried to bottle it, making promises that we can erase our wrinkles, our dark spots, or even time. Serums, creams, and injections are just some of the ‘illusion of youth’s’ synthetic forms and while some of these do erase a fraction of the harsh effects of aging, we need to look deeper and nourish our bodies from the inside out to not only help reverse damage, but to help prevent further damage.

Studying personal nutrition has given me so much insight about the way that our cells age and how by taking care of ourselves with rest, relaxation and a diet that supplies us the correct minerals and vitamins, we can slow the physical effects of aging. We discussed with the professionals at WebMD the top foods to incorporate into your weekly menus to deliver the best results.


Water tops the list in being the most vital item to intake to keep your body functioning the way it should and to keep your skin supple and glowing. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported that an astounding 43% of adults are drinking less than four cups of water a day. By upping your water intake to equaling half your body weight in ounces, you are giving yourself a wonderful foundation to better rest, better skin and better body function overall.


Dark, leafy greens are king when it comes to packing essential nutrients needed to thrive. As a prime source of lutein and zeaxanthin, dark greens are also rich in Vitamin K, helping to prevent fractures and decreasing bone loss. If you have a hard time eating bowls of dark greens, try mixing them into your morning fruit smoothie or egg white omelet to start your day off strong.


Berries, berries and more berries. Dark berries such as blueberries, blackberries and currants are high in anti-oxidants that help combat free radicals and decrease inflammation. They are also beneficial for promoting a smooth complexion with their natural inclusion of Vitamin C. Top probiotic rich yogurts with fresh berries or freeze a few for a cool summer treat.


Protein is a key component in all stages of life, but it is vital once a man or a woman hits their forties. After age forty, muscle mass begins to decline at a rate of up to 1% every year. Thereby slowing down the body’s metabolism and making it easier to store fat and increase risk of disease. Aim for lean sources of protein and include rich sources of Omega 3’s, such as oily fish, eggs, poultry and beans and limit red meat to an occasional treat


Though one should aim to pack their plate with vegetables, fruits and lean proteins, whole grains offer protection against diseases such as colon cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Steer clear of refined grains, which can actually increase inflammation, and opt for gluten-free oats, wild rice and organic flours. Serve your grains with lean protein and vegetables for a well-rounded meal, and try to intake fruit separately as a snack for easier digestion

Taking care of our bodies is a simple task that has been made complex by today’s society of alluring photographs, commercials and sugar-laden confections. Aiming to consume the recommended five servings of vegetables a day, along with plenty of water, is the perfect first step to take on a new road to health, recovery and beauty. One that is rooted from the inside out.