Mollee Gray Interview


You have a lot of talents. Which is your favorite –

actress, singer, or dancer?

Thank you! I get the most joy out of acting, but I always turn to

dance when I need a creative release!

Tell us about your personal style.

Oh, I am all over the place! It definitely depends on the day and

my mood. I love cute lounge sets, but also get excited to have a

reason to dress up! My everyday go-to is usually a high-waisted

pant with a crop top or tank top!

Which designers do you wear for red carpet?

I absolutely love Ted Baker and Boohoo!.

What do you like best about fashion?

I love the diversity of fashion, the ability to go bold or simple. I

also get excited in showrooms because a lot of the time certain

pieces I wouldn’t choose end up being my favorite once I try

them on.

Do you have any pets?

Yes! My husband, Jeka, and I have two fur pups! Stewie, a 6

year-old Pitbull/Shar Pei and Shiloh, a 1 year old Shiba Inu/

Terrier mix.

What do you do for fun?

I love being outside! I love to go to the dog park with my dogs,

the beach with my friends and family, or just go to Trader Joe’s

and get picnic food and sit at the park!

Tell us about your shoe collection.

I love shoes! I have a whole row of heels only, a row of boots

only, and then a few rows for all my tennis and workout shoes!

What do you wear around the house?-

Lounge wear! I could live in sweats…being comfortable is my

favorite thing!

What is your diet like when you are working?

I always try to keep a healthy diet! I went vegan about a year

ago and love it!

Tell us about your favorite role.

My favorite role is my first major film called No Strings Attached.

Most of my scenes were opposite Ashton Kutcher, so I was in

awe and learning so much every day!

Who would be your ultimate talent to work with?

Margot Robbie. I’m her ultimate fan.

What’s up next for you?-

I have some projects I’m working on and will be able to share


Plug your social media

Instagram: @mollsgrayy

TikTok: @molleegray

Photographer: Jeka Jane