Carmen Electra RUNWAY magazine exclusive

Carmen Electra - RUNWAY magazine cover - Hollywood Shoot

Tell us about your personal style?

My personal style has always been about taking chances. I’ve

always liked just what I like, its usually on the edgier side.

Getting into this business everyone wanted to change my style

and have me cover up more. I would rebel against that by

mixing designers with street style and adding a playful edge

to it!

How has your style been influenced?

Growing up in Cincinnati Ohio I was always inspired by

different edgier brands and creative music videos. The clothes

they would wear would help inspire my looks for years to come.

One of the first oufits I wore was a Terry Mugler suit that helpd

kick of my love for fashion. I love when designers get edgy and

mix rockstar chic with Hollywood glam.

What is your favorite type of shoe?

I honestly love combat boots and sneakers. I have a great pair

of Chanel combat boots that I live for. I have always liked to

break the rules and mix a Hollywood chic dress with a edgier


You have had an amazing career, what has been

your favorite part?

Obviously working with Prince and having him believe in me

and giving me so many great opportunities was a highlight.

Honestly this is so hard! Singled Out, performing at the Crazy

Horse Paris, shooting for all the fashion magazines, all the

amazing events, It’s hard to choose!

Tell us about your music?

Growing up with a family of musicians and being a dancer

and performer is what I love the most about being involved

with music. Being able to come back into the music scene was

a blast! Shooting the videos, perming at large event spaces like

Coachella, Palm Springs “White Party”, and touring all over

was a dream. I actually recently started going to DJ school,

which has been a lot of fun. I’m looking forward to continuing

that and getting up there and sharing my latest passion with


How do you stay in such great shape?

Growing up as a dancer has always helped me stay in shape.

I like to mix it up though, I love doing yoga, squats, taking

dance classes, teaching dance classes, and going to the gym

for cardio. Its also very important to drink lots of water and keep

your body hydrated so you can flush out your system. I eat

pretty healthy throughout the week too, but Sunday is junk day

and that’s when I eat whatever I want!

What’s your favorite type of music?

This is tough! I definitely am ADD when it comes to music, it really

depends on my mood. My mom loved disco, my dad played

rock and roll and blues, my brother was into Led Zeppelin and

more heavy bands, so I was exposed to a lot of different styles.

I remember in the 4th grade someone gave me a mix tape and

I became obsessed with hip hop. To this day it is and it still one

of my favorite types! Every so often I can get into the mood for

something more heavy like Slayer or Panterra. I also like to

switch it up for EDM/Dance music!

What do you do for fun?

I love to play the drums, I love to go to Dave & Busters and

play video games, I love to dance, I’m obsessed with roller

coasters, so any chance I get to take my friend to an amusement

park is always great. I also really love live performances on

the Sunset Strip, there’s nothing better than seeing your favorite

artist preform in a small venue with friends.

What are your beauty secrets?

Definitely water, it flushes everything out of your body. I used to

just come home and fall asleep with my makeup on, I definitely

don’t do that anymore. It’s very important to wash your face

before going to bed. I have a nightly regimen that I do. Some

products that I like are more expensive, but you don’t always

have to pay a lot of money for great products. I start off with a

scrub and then a facial cleanser that you can get at any drug

store. I follow that uo with a face cream and a product called

“Quench” that keeps my skin hydrated.

Do you have any pets?

I have a Pomeranian, who’s name is Roxy Reign. I named her

after the Roxy on Sunset Blvd after gogo dancing for a girl band

and Lemmy from Motorhead.

What inspires you?

Well I’m inspired by the first responders who are out there

fighting COVID-19 and all the people that are staying home

and helping us flatten the curve! Thank you!

What are three word that describe you?

Fiery, compassionate, rebellious

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