Stuntman Remington Inspires Us To Live Like Champions


You have been touted as the daredevil musician; let us talk first about your stunts. You have reached some impressive heights through snowboarding, skateboarding, motorcycles and wakeboarding. Do you have a favorite?

It’s always hard to choose! I’m so ADD. But wheelies are addicting because they’re always dangerous.

Where did you first fall in love with the adrenaline rush? And how did the idea of incorporating it with music come about?

I was born jumping off things, breaking stuff, making something do what it’s not supposed to do… Adrenaline is my drug. My father was an athlete and my mom a musician so I did both growing up, but then I got into the airshow scene stunting motorcycles with Circus of the Machines. The pilot asked me to edit his airshow music and I said I would do it for free if he put my music in it. I was selling CDs and merchandise to all the kids. The biggest Airshows draw half a million people and they have big acts play at them. So, I asked myself what if I was both the act on the stage and stunted at the same time. It’s never been done. It’s just a lifestyle I want to represent.

Speaking of your music, your tracks are full of infectious energy! “Light Up The Sky” and “Our World” make me want to dance, and I must admit, I did. Do the stunts inspire the music, or does the track inspire what you’ll do on stage?

I incorporate the visual and lifestyle into the music. I love to dance and love to rock out. So I try to write my songs for that and keep everyone pumped.In contrast to the high-energy pieces, you also write more melodic, passionate tracks.

“She Will Wait” and “The World Is Burning” are filled with so much emotion. Where did you find your inspiration?

Ex-girlfriends and crap. I’ve been through a lot and [have] grown from it. I truly am a passionate person and not every day in my life has been all roses. I just like to tell it like it is.

Are you currently touring, or do you have any plans to tour? What can fans expect from a Remington stage show?

I’m bringing the heat! Just like a P!NK show or KISS or Michael Jackson. I want to give them a show. And I am gearing up for something big soon! I’m in the studio right now putting it all together.

You have collaborated with sponsors who are incorporating your music and footage to inspire others. Can you tell us a little bit about those relationships? And what do you feel makes someone a “champion”?

Champion is a lifestyle. It’s what I represent. It’s never giving up until your last breath and pushing the limits in your own life. I tell all my fans and friends to put up a “champion” when we take pictures. It just represents greatness.

We must touch on your fashion. We have seen you rock both stylish suits and casual hoodies. What is your go-to stage style?

I like funky shoes/boots, black tight jeans and a black shirt with color and a jacket!

What about on your days off?

Pajamas. Or just some jeans, sandals and a v-neck. 😉

Do you have a favorite fall trend? And who is your favorite menswear designer?

I like beanies and hoodies and my taste is so crazy I couldn’t just pick one.

What about for the ladies? What do you think is the perfect fall look on a woman?

Tight jeans, sexy heels, rocker jacket, and a scarf. Or pajamas. I think I just need to come out with my own pajama line that you can wear out. Haha!

Before we go, can you let us know what is up next for you, and where fans can check you out?

Just writing new songs in the studio, so expect some new singles! I’m also doing a lot of social media videos on vine and YouTube and want to start touring again. Check me out at Or on vine, Instagram, and Snapchat. – @krazyremi