Getting to Know…Shannon Maree Walsh


Congratulations on your upcoming film, BEGIN AGAIN! We saw you attended the World Premiere at TIFF, tell us about that experience. Was it your first film festival?

I still get giddy just thinking about how much fun I had that weekend! I’d never been to a film festival before, so I was super excited and nervous and overwhelmed all at the same time. More than anything, though, I was pumped to see the movie. The theater had hundreds and hundreds of people in it and I never expected that (I thought it’d be a normal sized theater) so that caught me a little off guard, but in the best of ways.

You looked amazing on the carpet. How did you choose your outfit?

Thank you so much! I chose it with A LOT of advice. I can be very indecisive when it comes to dressing for parties and events, so I would pick a dress I like and then text my manager and all my friends a picture asking if they liked it. I ended up going with what I thought was modest and classy.

Are you close with your castmates? Any fun stories from set?

I’m very close with castmates. Ian Brodsky plays my brother in the film and he’s basically my brother in real life now, too. We talk all the time and confide in each other about everything—mostly our love lives. In general, everyone who plays in the band in the film is super close– we email and text each other all the time.

The best story from set happened midway through filming. We were on the rooftop of an apartment building—right next to the Empire State Building. It was a night shoot and we’d been filming for hours, so by midnight we were all a bit loopy. During breaks we’d start playing old school music, and we finally got John, the director, to take a break with us and pick up a guitar and sing. He jammed with us for at least a half an hour. It was awesome.

As you may know, we are a fashion magazine and we hear you are into fashion and beauty. With summer finally arriving, what are some of your ‘must-have’ items this season?

I burn easily, so I like mixing my tinted moisturizer with some Murad moisturizer that has SPF 30 in it. It feels light on my face and creates a vibrant and youthful look. Another must-have item is my M.A.C. mascara—I don’t really wear eyeliner, but I do like making my lashes look big.

How would you describe your personal style?

A friend recently described my style as “boho western”. I wear things with a boho and earthy feel—but I’m always comfy and casual. I have family in Montana that sends me authentic cowgirl boots almost every Christmas, so I wear those all the time, too.

Who are some of your favorite designers?

I like things that make a statement and make heads turn. Vera Wang has a stunning collection. I’m also a huge fan of Emilio Pucci.

Within your career, you must have had some long days on set. If you could only bring one beauty product out of your trailer to have on you, what would it be?

Eyelash curler

Follow Shannon on twitter and instagram @ShannonMaree22