Enjoy All Natural Gelatin with Cool Cups


When I was a child, I wasn’t aware of the dangerous ingredients in my jiggly, squishy gelatin snack. Just some of the ingredients include ground up pig and cow hooves, intestines, and skin. While I found gelatin less appealing after I found this out, I still couldn’t shake the constant cravings fueled by memories of my past.

Thanks to Cool Cups’s vegan and animal bi product free gelatin, my problem has been solved. According to CEO of the company Tom Mosk, What makes them unique is that these are 100% vegan and 100% natural, so we took out all gelatin and fructose that is used in gelatin and we replaced it with 100% natural ingredients. Cool Cups is providing a way to enjoy the snack you loved as a kid, while still maintaining a healthy diet. They’re also a guilt-free indulgence at just 95 calories and will be introducing a 40-calorie option soon. Along with that, there are no artificial preservatives, which means there aren’t unexpected surprises entering your body. Lastly, Cool Cups are good for the environment because each one is recyclable. Some carriers of the product include whole foods around the country and even grocery stores such as Safeway.

With Cool Cups, not only are you able to enjoy a snack that you love, you are also treating your body well while eating it.

By Gisele Smith for Clarissa International Media Group

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