Clothes with Confidence: Fifty Over Five


Every person has that intelligent, self-assured, unafraid, edgy, and enlightened person within them and Fifty Over Fives clothing is helping people show that to the world.

Fifty Over Five is helping to promote these extraordinary people with their clothes. The clothing is both minimalistic while edgy at the same time, allowing the person to shine through the clothes not the clothes outshining the person. The clothes embody someone who is not just trendy, they represent someone who marches to the beat of their own drum and wears the things that make them happy and feel confident. The clothes not only make a statement on your body though, by using reformed vintage garments you are also making a statement in your own life as well by making a helpful effect on the environment. Fifty Over Five will be sold in stores such as Nasty Gal, Fred Segal, Wasteland, and American Rag. The clothes are there for the people who are ready to make a statement and take the world by storm.

By Gisele Smith for Clarissa International Media Group

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