Introducing Musician Paige Nichols!


We are so excited to hear your new music. Tell us about your new sound.

Thank you. We’re super excited about the new music as well. For these songs, I really wanted to focus on making music that I love and that I’m passionate about. I finally stopped worrying about what people would think and wrote from a really honest place…. And I think it worked. I would describe the new songs as soul/rock/pop. I’d say if… Alicia Keys, Stevie Nicks, and Joan Jett has a love child, It would be my new sound.

Is there a specific song you are excited for fans to hear? Why?

I can’t wait for you to hear burn. That song is very special to me. When we wrote it, we were speaking about how sometimes fires get so big that they can’t be put out, that the only option is to let them burn out. Sometimes that’s true in a relationship that gets so intense you feel like you can’t just end it, instead you have to let it naturally fade. I was feeling some real passion when I wrote that song and I think that’s why the song has resonated with the audiences at my shows so much.

Is there anything in particular that inspires you to write music?

I tend to write songs that are very personal to me and what I’m going through or thinking about at the time I’m writing the song… So I’d say I’m inspired by people that spark strong feelings in me- love, passion, hurt, etc.

As you may know, we are a fashion magazine. How would you describe your style?

I love fashion! I’d say my personal style is bohemian rocker—A little hippie…A little rock. I love lace and fringe. I love leather and I can’t lie- I love a high-waisted short any time of year.

What is one accessory or clothing item you cannot live without?

My clothes and favorites can change with my mood, but one standard that I always love are rings. I love big rings. I just got this really amazing gold handpiece that I’m just in love with. It makes every outfit look better!

Who are some of your favorite designers? Favorite trends?

Some of my favorites are Houghton, Novella Royale, American Gold, Stella McCartney and Zac Posen.

Within your career, you must have had some long days recording in the studio. If you could only bring one beauty product out of your trailer to have on you, what would it be?

Ohh. That’s a good question! Are you sure I can only bring one? I love my beauty products, so this is a tough one, but I’d have to say my eye cream. For long studio days, I find the Kiehl’s creamy eye treatment super moisturizing.

What is next for you?

I am very focused on introducing my new music to my fans and the world. I’m really excited about Burn and right now, I can’t wait to go on a journey with this EP and see where it takes me! I’m always in the studio writing new songs, but in 2014, I plan on taking this music on the road for a U.S. tour. Dates to follow!

Follow Paige on twitter at @PaigeNichols & on instagram at PaigeNicholsMusic.

You can also visit her website at