Guido Maria Kretschmer Talks Fashion Label, Inspiration, More


Ever since, he has become one of Germany’s best known designers. Guido Maria Kretschmer’s creative talent also shines in his work as costume designer for opera, drama and feature film productions.

(See a few looks from his S/S 2013 collab with Puma in our rightside panel!)

RUNWAY: Your design talents are very broad. You’ve designed everything from shoes, to haute couture, to flight attendant uniforms. Do you have a favorite design genre?

GUIDO MARIA KRETSCHMER: My favorite design genre is Haute Couture. I love to dress ladies. Next to this, I am very interested in Interior & Home Living.

R: Did you grow up wanting to be a designer, or did you have other dreams?

GMK: I always wanted to be a designer. I am born to use and work with textiles.

R: When did you decide you wanted to do this as a career?

GMK: Life has chosen it for me. You have talent or not, and your career path will take its course.

R: When you are designing a new collection, do you have a muse you look to for inspiration?

GMK: Yes, my favorite model, Zoe. She is an authentic Tunisian girl. I love her attitude.

R: You worked with Puma on your S/S 2013 line. That’s huge! How did you react when you found out you’d be working on such a major collaboration?

GMK: I was very pleased and honored to be able to work for Puma.

R: Is there one moment that stands out to you as your “defining moment,” as a fashion designer?

GMK: I’ve had many special moments in my life. I am still thankful for situations where I can learn. In a church I thought, “thank you God for this opportunity”. It’s also worth mentioning that I know when to say STOP.

R: What has been the most difficult challenge you’ve faced so far?

GMK: Once I had an order to create a new look for a bus company. Unfortunately, the owner did not have any understanding for the look, and it was very difficult to explain anything to her about textile.

R: Have there ever been times you’ve felt discouraged, or thought there was too much pressure?

GMK: Actually, no. I have always known that I can trust myself. Sometimes this also means to hug idiots. I always stay close to myself. In every challenge, I see a chance.

R: When you get designer’s block, do you have any tricks that get you back in the mental game?

GMK: I take a sit and start, so no; I don’t have any tricks.

R: When you start designing a collection, what is the first thing you do? …

Want more? Read the rest of the interview in the SUMMER 2013 issue of RUNWAY, available now in-stores & on newsstands WORLDWIDE! For single issues & subscriptions:

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