Her striking features, self-assuredness and take-it-or-leave-it demeanor has been found off-putting to some viewers and she struggles with the criticism that has paralleled alongside chasing her dream under the public microscope.

An erroneous first impression could easily paint this stunning 21-year-old as aloof. Sitting down with her in Los Angeles, we found something else – something endearing.

Looking past the perfect smile (a pout that’ll have plastic surgeons asking, “Angelina who?”), her huge eyes simply reveal hesitation. What may well be mistaken as indifference turns out to be an honest uneasiness that any of us would carry in the angst of prejudgment.

Take note, bloggers: she’s only human.

We chatted with her about it…

RUNWAY: What was life like before Simon Fuller came into your life?

GIGLIANNE: I went on a few jobs, went to some casting calls, but never really got anywhere with modeling until now.

R: You moved to New Jersey with your family when you were five. What do you think about The Jersey Shore kids?

G: I don’t think about them. I don’t like Snooki…I find it kinda embarrassing to have this whole weird rep that they’re giving the shore. The shore is pretty cool and the beaches are amazing. People just see [New Jersey] now as the armpit of America but it’s an amazing state.

R: How are you handling cameras on you 24/7? I couldn’t even brush my teeth.

G: It’s hard. I’m like, ‘I didn’t do that exactly’…but it’s drama, it’s entertainment.

R: Right, so let’s put it out there – what do you want people to see?

G: …It may be showing me in a weird light, but it’s entertaining, you know? I just never imagined it would be this hard… I just need to think big picture… If it’s entertaining and my career still comes, it’s all alright. But sometimes it’s hard being hated so much.

R: It’s easy to hate the gorgeous girl. Give us something you don’t like about yourself. Any insecurities?

G: Oh God, there’s a lot. (laughs) Let’s see, it could be my hands, my feet or it could be my super skinny legs, my big eyes…I dunno. But I just have to love myself and work with what I have.

R: Do you want to get into acting?

G: A little… I’m falling more in love with the craft every day. I’m now modeling out here, so I’m thinking maybe I’ll get into acting as well because I am out here. This is such a great place to start.

R: Any beauty products you never leave home without?

G: I’m obsessed with lipstick – I have a million. I like MAC, Laura Mercier. I like dark reds. Neutrals are good, too. I kinda just put stuff on my lips and I’m happy.

R: So in September, if you make it to New York Fashion Week, who do you want to see?

G: Marc Jacobs, huge designer and I hear the hottest ticket in town.

R: Front row or walk?

G: I’d LOVE to walk but if I’m just there that’d be amazing as well. No, let me walk!

R: Any go-to inspirations for a bad day?

G: Before I left NY, a friend told me, “Two things that you need – patience and endurance in your life. With that you can do anything.”

R: Yeah, smart friend.

G: Many times my mind is racing…I’m like “this is where I am today…but I want to be over there.” He says, “You gotta live each moment in order to get there. You gotta find the balance.” Enjoy the ride basically.

R: And are you enjoying it?

G: I am. It’s hard as hell but I am enjoying it. It’s just the craziest project of my life and I’m so super fortunate to be part of it.