Preparing for Physical Events and Workout Tips


Quick tips before your big event

1. Drink 1 gallon of distilled water per day. This type of water helps the body remove toxins.
2. Stay active. Keep a pair of workout clothes and shoes with you at all times. This will save you time if some of your meetings or auditions got cancelled and you dont have to run back home to get them and get ready.
3. EAT so your metabolims doesnt slow down but keep your portions small.
4. NO gluten
5. NO wheat
6. NO soy
7. NO sugar. This is the number one thing. You must limit your sugar intake and remember to read labels.
8. Stretch and say YES to yoga
9. Party after your event. Save the alcohol for the end.
10. Very important make sure you drink lots of water after your night. You are so precious and look so good that your next event will be right around the corner.


1. Warm Up “jumping jacks & prone jacks”
Steps (these steps for jumping jacks can be preform for prone jacks, the only difference is to lay on the floor in a plank position)
a) Begin by standing with your feet together and arms at your sides. Keeping your abdominal muscles tight to pull your pelvis forward and take the curve out of your lower back.
b) Bend your knees and jump, moving your feet apart until they are wider than your shoulders. At the same time, raise your arms over your head. You should be on the balls of your feet.
c) Keep your knees bent while you jump again, bringing your feet together and your arms back to your sides. At the end of the movement, your weight should be on your heels.
d) Repeat the exercise and work in set. As you become more and more fit, i would encourage you to perfrom jumping jacks faster and for a certain length of time rather than in sets,

2. Leg Toning “Walking lunges”
Standing tall with your shoulders back and down and abdominals engaged, place your feet together. Your arms can be flat at your side, holding your hips or behind your head. Breathing normally, step forward with your right foot, bending both knees so that your front knee is aligned over your ankle and the back knee comes close to the floor. Your back heel is lifted off the floor. Before your back knee touches the floor, push up with your back left leg, forcing the weight of your body through your right heel, simultaneously bringing your left foot together with your right foot. Without pausing, alternate legs, lunge forward with your left foot, bending both knees so that your front knee is aligned with your ankle and the back knee comes close to the floor. Your back heel is lifted off the floor. Before your back knee touches the floor, push up with your back right leg, forcing the weight of your body through your left heel, simultaneously bringing your right foot together with your left foot. Continue to perform the steps above, alternating legs for 20 steps and increasing the steps as you get stronger.

3. 1 leg burpees
Single leg burpees, like their twp legged counterparts, are a brutal exercise that really get the heart rate going. In terms of improving vertical jump performance they have 2 main uses. One, using plenty of reps and short rest breaks they are a great conditioning tool and if your bodyfat levels are too high than burpees, as part of a focused training plan and a good diet are great for stripping off the excess weight.
In shorter burtst the burpee is a great explosive strength exercise due to having to overcoming the deep position of the very low squat. The single leg version is particularly challenging and an excellent choice for single leg jumpers.

4. Body twists

5. Plank

6. Stretch