Southern Belles attract men


It’s no secret that men from all over the world are attracted to southern women— the secret lies in what these women possess. They have managed to be strong and confident, and yet still manage to remain utterly feminine with generous helpings of charm and grace.

Southern women are tough as nails on the inside but are very sweet— you won’t see them whining or complaining. They understand the art of taking care of their exteriors but know that real beauty comes from within and they tap into it often. Women of the south are extremely proud and dedicated to be the best that they can be. They want to look and act their best at all times.

Women everywhere can learn the art of southern charm and sparkle. These secrets have been passed down from generation to generation and are something that women everywhere need to know. Southern women carry themselves differently and therefore men respond differently. Here are a few secrets that every woman needs to know.

Relish and present yourself as a beautiful feminine woman. There is so much power in being a girl.

Let men know that you are interested in them but let them do the chasing. Relax and enjoy the process. Sit back and know that you are a catch. Realize that if a man doesn’t recognize you for the amazing woman you are -then ditch him.

Men like to feel special and cherished. Give sincere compliments and do little things that let him know that you appreciate him.

Confidence and independence are sexy. Men will run from a clingy needy woman. Remember a man can contribute to your happiness but he is not ultimately responsible for it.

Avoid panic and pursuit. Many women feel men pull away and go into panic mode. Sometimes a man will become frightened and need to pull away in order to assess his feelings. Let him go— he’ll come back when he misses you.

Remember that successful men are busy and have a lot of responsibilities. Southern women who land these men are patient, kind, endearing, flexible and can adapt to any kind of situation.

Disarm with charm… Remember that speaking softly, dressing in a way that

flatters you and basking in your femininity will disarm any man. Being too

masculine, aggressive or demanding will push men away every time.

Men will bend over backwards for a woman that he is crazy about.

Southern women carry themselves differently and therefore men definitely

Respond differently.

These tips have worked for the women of the south for generations. If you find that you don’t like the men you are currently attracting then perhaps you need to change your bait. Men love a soft-spoken well-dressed happy woman that flashes a big smile often.