The Seven Deadly Sins That Kill a Relationship


Relationships can be fun and exciting in the beginning—and they can last for a lifetime if you avoid these 7 deadly sins. Any of these characteristics can be hazardous to yourrelationship and put it in a tailspin fast. Being aware ofyour behavior can help you avoid these relationship killers!

1. Clingy Clingy and needy will suffocate a relationship in no time.People are attracted to happy self-confident people. Itis a turn-off to be with a person who is consistently inneed of reassurance from a partner. Most clingy peopleare self-absorbed and require the continual adulation oftheir partner to make them feel whole. An underlying inferior complex is usually under the surface. People whohave recently experienced a break-up tend to exhibit this tendency.

2. Lack of Respect, Honesty and Inattentiveness All healthy relationships are based on mutual respect andhonesty. Without honesty a relationship has no chanceof ever coming to fruition. Mutual respect ensures thata relationship stays on track and solidifies the union. Without respect there can be devastating problems suchas conflict, or even abuse.Inattentiveness is a slow death to a relationship. Taking your partner for granted and not doing your part to maintainthe relationship is unfortunately one of the number onereasons people split up.

3. Jealousy Jealousy is a very negative and destructive force. It is ahuman weakness that must be kept in check at all times.Jealousy stems from a lack of self-love. It is not an easything to surpass, but it is the only way to overcome thetrust issues that arise in a relationship based on jealousy.This emotion is an unrealistic fear of loss and causes manycouples to split up despite their love for each other.

4. Unrealistic expectations What is it you expect from your partner? Do you suffer fromCinderella Syndrome? Do you expect Prince Charmingto charge in on his white horse and save the day? Wiseup— a man is not a plan. A man can contribute to yourhappiness but is not ultimately responsible for it. Make yourself happy and solve your own problems. By doingthis you will have a whole kingdom of Prince Charming’sbeating a path to your door. Being responsible for yourown happiness will make your relationship flourish.Love takes work, commitment and putting your partner’sneeds above your own. If you can manage that than youcan have a fulfilling relationship.

5. Setting the bar too high It’s shocking that so many people fall in and out of loveso quickly. Having high expectations from the beginningwill kill any real chance at a relationship. Not everyoneyou meet is a candidate for marriage— so stop picking outchina after the third date.Know exactly what you are looking for in a partner, but don’tset the bar too high. Enjoy the moment—unrealistic expectationswill eventually lead to self-induced discontent.

. Communication Disconnect The silent killer in a relationship is lost communication. Unfortunatelyby the time you detect the problem, it’s usuallytoo late. This is the fate of many long-term relationships.There are several ways to fight this. Creating new mutual interests that you can discuss is critical if you have nothingto talk about. If you are in a time crunch, then pick one day and really talk to each other. (Shut off the TV)Communication is crucial.

7. Mundane Routine Ever been in a relationship where everything starts to getstale, because it’s always the same? The same conversations,the same places and even the sex is the same.Well, the solution for this is obvious: Shake things up!Create new opportunities, go different places, meet newpeople and try something crazy together. The possibilitiesare endless; you just have to do it together.“Variety is the spice of life,” so add some spice!

Conclusion Knowledge is power. Being aware of your self-sabotagingbehavior in regards to the 7 deadly relationship sins canhelp ensure