Spring: Are you Ready?


Spring. What a wonderful time of year to celebrate life. Are you ready for it – both spiritually and physically? Let’s take a look at what spring actually is and relate it to ourselves and our bodies. Springtime is the freshest part of the year – the season when the Earth warms and triggers our growth. As a lifestyle coach, this is the most exciting time of the year . Let’s take advantage of Earth’s spring cycle and begin our growth today. Let’s start with the basics.

1. Water. There is no better time than now to begin hydrating yourself. All chemical and electrical activities in the human body take place in a water environment. If you are in short supply of water, you will dehydrate and cause these activities to malfunction. Therefore, you must hydrate yourself every day. Begin by drinking one more glass a day than you usually drink. As your body begins to familiarize itself with this new hydration, eventually start drinking approximately 8 to 13 glasses a day. Remember that gender, age, environment and/or physical activity level all affect the amount of water you should drink each day. Within days you will notice your skin looking more pliable and radiant, you will not feel as bloated, and you absolutely will feel more energy.

2. Cleansing. I break cleansing into two categories – internal and external. Internal – Just as the seasons go through cycles every year, so should you. Think of your body as a machine – you take your car in to get an oil change every 3000 miles. When is the last time you gave your body a cleansing? I recommend cleansing twice a year minimally. Think about what you put into your body and what you breathe in everyday – probably not the healthiest elements. I love the SoCal Cleanse, as it helps release toxins from your seven systems of elimination. What’s great about this company is they are 100% organic. Why would you ever use herbs treated with pesticides when those same pesticides are what you are trying to rid your body from in the first place? Their packaging is also very progressive. When you are done with the container, simply bury it in your backyard, water it, and watch the flowers grow. External – Have you ever looked at the side of a building? Have you ever noticed how quickly your car gets dirty? Think of your own skin. Our skin is a living, breathing organ that performs better in a clean environment. I suggest you wash and moisturize your face twice a day. Always start with a mild form of cleanser and not soap. Afterwards, moisturize with upward strokes of the skin. I am a huge fan of Dr. Brandt’s Skincare out of Florida and really love his “Microdermabrasion.” This exfoliator lifts the dead cells away from the newer skin cells. The result? Always leaving beautiful, softer skin that will cause envy amongst your closest friends. Never exfoliate more than three times a week and always use the lightest pressure.

3. Exercise. Yes, but I don’t mean in the gym! Go outside and walk around your block. Climb that hill you drive past on your way to work every day. Play catch with your kids. As long as you are moving, your body is working (and loving it). You will start seeing your body tightening up with each stair climbed. Remember, this is the beginning of your life (and summer is just around the corner!).

4. Breathe. That’s right, simply BREATHE. It is so beautiful out there. How many times have you watched the sunset drinking a lovely cup of tea? My favorite is Art of Tea’s French Lemon Ginger. Next time you have a chance, look at the stars and concentrate on your breathing. Is it fast? Is it slow? Is it shallow or deep? With proper breathing techniques, you can lower your stress and anxiety. You can even energize yourself for that next dance marathon. Breathe…just breathe! Spring is the perfect time to start YOUR life. Remember, water, cleanse, exercise and simply breathe – you’ll be ready to conquer the world by summer. – Robert Green is the founder of Body Factory (BodyFactory.com), a health and fitness destination that infuses diet, fitness and spiritual awakening in order