Fashion Week LA Spring 2010

Fashion Week LA March 17-24, 2010

The calendar is taking shape. Events this season will include a kick-off reception for designers hosted by Fashion Group International, Gen Art’s avant garde presentation of emerging fashion talent, a creative coalition on the edge of downtown at BoxEight Studios, a new Beverly Hills Fashion Week production and the return of the exclusive Simply Stylists event at a private venue. More to be announced later this week. Fashion Week overlays Market Week this season, which takes place in the showroom building and trade shows clustered at The Intersection of 9th & Los Angeles Streets, March 19-23. Market Week’s trade shows, parties, runway events and showroom receptions are happening at the California Market Center, The New Mart, the Cooper Design Space, Gerry Building, Lady Liberty Building, and surrounding properties. Open to the trade only (meaning: no shopping…this event is for retail store buyers and credentialed media only) a list of lines participating in Market Week may be found here.

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