Jonathan Bennett: Project Runway Magazine


What do you like best about your work? What I like most about my work is making people laugh. Since I was a little kid, I was always putting on comedy sketch show in my parent’s basement, with some type of crazy costume. I would put on my Dad’s doctors coat and clown shoes and do skits with “broken funny bones.” I was such a dork! but l loved entertaining.

What is you most memorable experience in show business? I think my most memorable experience in show business was the day I arrived on set for the first time with Steve Martin. I am one of his biggest fans, and Trains Planes and Automobiles is one of my top 3 favorite movies of all time. I actually can quote it word for word. Watching Steve my whole life and admiring him as one of the great comedy geniuses of our generation made the first day of filming Cheaper by the Dozen 2 one of my most memorable moments. I walked on set for the first day and saw my chair with my name on it, sitting right next to his chair with his name on. I got chills and couldn’t stop smiling, but when you get to work with one of your idols, you can’t help but control your emotions.

What is you favorite thing in your closet? My modern amusement black trench coat.

Who is your favorite designer? I really like Rag & Bone, and I really like Theory. Day to day I wear mostly white Hanes t-shirts, right out of a 3 pack at Target, can’t beat

Tell us about you role in Paramounts VanWilder 3? Well I am stepping into some of the biggest shoes in this genre. I am taking over the role that Ryan Reynolds originated, Van Wilder. In the original Van Wilder, Van has been at Coolidge College for 7 years, and he finally graduates as one of the biggest icons in college party history. It was an honor to be chosen to take over this role. Ryan Reynolds did such an amazing job, but I am very confident in my take on the character. I don’t try to do Ryan’s version of Van, but I do keep the character as true to Ryan’s idea of him as possible. My Van is a little more innocent and a little more wide-eyed on the outlook of life. It was by far the most fun I’ve had playing any character in my career.With van there are no rules. I saw the film, and I am very happy.

Who are your Influences? Steve Martin, Chevy Chase, and John Candy. I love the 80’s comedic actors by far. They are whom I steal all my material from. Michael Caine once said, “its okay to steal from other actors, every actor does. Just make sure you steal from the good ones.

Where did you learn to act? I started acting in 7th grade, and acted my way through high school. I have had two great acting teachers in my life that I think the world of. Harry Wilcox, the person to first teach me what acting was and told me that I needed to be an actor. In high school plays he would yell at me and say “Bennett! Stop mugging!” now in van wilder that is all I do! and my second great acting teacher is Chad McCord in Los Angeles. he’s the one that taught me how to be funny. He coached me on the opening scene of Van Wilder, and to be honest I never thought there was a way to make getting oral sex at a graduation funny, but Chad has this way of taking any material and giving you just one small adjustment to make the audience crack up, and he was right!

What do you do for fun? I hike mostly. I’m a big hiker. I take my dog up the canyons in Hollywood on a daily basis. Some people think of it as working out, but I think of it as having fun.

What can i tell runway that the rest of the world doesnt know? That I secretly read National Geographic magazine to fall asleep. I know! I’m kind of a dork!

What are your plans for the future.? I’d like to continue to act and make people laugh for the rest of my life. also using the power we have as actors and using our celebrity for the greater good of humanity. There are so many opportunities we have as actors to give back to others less fortunate. If you are a successful actor it is not only your privilege to give back, but your duty. there are too many people in need to ignore it. And I don’t care what charity you belong to, as long as you belong. save the whales, the dogs, the kids, the elderly, the icebergs, hell I don’t care, just help something! Personally my charity is ONE HEARTLAND, and camp dedicated to improving the lives of kids with HIV/AIDS.

What is your Favortie movie? Christmas Vacation is by far my favorite movie, not only because it makes me laugh every time, but because when I watch it every year I’m usually at home with my family and it’s tradition. So it makes me feel good all around.

Where is your favorite spot on earth? Camp Heartland. A camp that I work with helping kids with HIV/AIDS up in Minnesota. With all the craziness of Hollywood, going to camp heartland grounds you as a human. you step away from all the Hollywood bullshit and you realize what really matters in life. it’s all about love.

What isYour earliest call time? 5am, everyday on the set of van wilder. I don’t know how the make up ladies kept me looking good for 2 months of that!

Are you a day or night person? Day!

What your advice to aspiring talent? Don’t become an actor unless you wake up every morning and can think of nothing but acting. only then will you be successful.

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